Business Owner, JC, Is Doing Great Things

Posted On: October 16, 2023


JC, also known as ‘Chief’, is a business owner from Alabama, with ties in St Louis, Missouri. While building himself through his career in Dallas, Texas, JC stays devoted and works hard on his craft. To become more serious and dedicated to his business, JC only looks one direction, and that’s ahead. “I’m building my Luxury Coat Brand called Eternal Abundance Luxury Coats. We combine symbolism with fashion to give our supporters a valuable high quality product. Wearing clothing with real meaning gives off a certain energy. We use symbols that give off energies that manifest abundance and prosperity. You feel different wearing the best coats in the world. I recently released my website version 2 for Eternal Abundance Luxury Coats. Along with new hoodies and puffer jackets. Eternal Abundance means you are forever prosperous. EALC mixes symbolism with fashion to give you a spiritual experience. Everything is luxury so expect to pay a high price for high quality. Buy your own Eternal Abundance Luxury Coat at”  JC is a well-rounded business owner who refuses to give up even when things don’t go as planned.

JC understands the importance of being faithful and steadfast on his journey and being able to stay focused through his endeavors. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, a large number of large-scale events, such as concerts and festivals, were prohibited in the year 2021 and 2022. This was due to the limits imposed by both the city and the federal government on the movement of people. Therefore, the number of opportunities for artists to demonstrate their abilities has been drastically reduced. But JC kept it consistent and moving. “I played college baseball so I’ll relate business to sports. When you first start playing you suck. After years of practice and games you start to build your skill. The same annoying obstacles you face when learning a new sport is synonymous with business.”

As an entrepreneur, JC is currently concentrating on expanding upon his already solid base for his business. Successful individuals make investments in themselves as well as in others who will assist them on their path to success. JC has been aware of this and admits that his qualities of being real, adventurous, and ambitious, have taken him far. “This shit is a process. I used to hate hearing this from OGs when I started. You have to accept that you have to earn everything you get! I look down on people who settle for handouts. The harder you work the luckier you get. I’ve been at this shit for a long time, can’t forget all the obstacles that come with the journey. Staying consistent and being thankful help me stay consistent.”

Who were the most influential people in your life?

The most influential people in my life are Frozone, Dan, Bob Proctor, Dick Gregory, and Money Man. All of these people helped me directly or indirectly in becoming a better version of myself. At certain points of my life these individuals assisted me in continuing my purpose even when times were hard.

JC’s goal is to make people want to see more of him, which he has done already by putting in the hours of work and commitment. Both in front of and behind the scenes in the year 2023, he makes a difference in the business and music world. Even though JC is devoted to perfecting the art of his fashion to the highest level, his hardships have made him want to do even better in his business as well. “I got evicted in 2022 in north Dallas on Jupiter road. That shit was one of the hardest things I’ve ever dealt with. I remember the police holding me back while the cleaners bagged all my shit up and threw it outside. That does something to you. Thankfully I used this as motivation to never let someone have that much power over my life. Having a mindset of abundance helped me continue to build my skill while having the faith that I’ll make it. After your biggest Ls are your biggest Wins! At the time I thought things were hard and it would take forever to win. Now I get flashbacks and I realize those moments built me into the man I am today. A man with an abundance mindset that never lets the lows faze him. Because the highs are right around the corner.”

Despite the passage of time, a brand called #Focuseddd continues to emphasize the abilities and motivations of individuals who have a strong purpose for what they do, such as JC, also known as ‘Chief’.

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