Terrel Butler (@oneofthegoat) talks about the Importance of Mental Health in our Daily Lives

Mental health plays a vital role in our daily life. Mental health is very important in every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Without mental health, a human cannot work well. Mental illness is also known as mental health. A disorder refers to a vast range of mental health conditions. The disorders affect your thinking, mood, behaviour and personality. Mental illness includes a wide range of disorders like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, eating and sleeping disorders and addictive behaviours. Mental illness has destroyed the lives of people. The students cannot focus on their studies. The daily routine is also affected due to these mental disorders. The mental illness caused divorces, breakups, conflicts etc.

Some signs may indicate someone is depressed. These may include changes in sleeping patterns, fatigue, loss of interest in activities, social withdrawal, and changes in appetite. Additionally, those who are depressed may have negative thoughts about themselves, feel helpless or hopeless, and experience feelings of worthlessness or guilt. Suicidal thoughts may come into their minds. If you are concerned that someone you know is depressed, it is important to talk to them about your concerns and encourage them to seek professional help.

Moreover, you can also ask me for help regard mental health or if you have any type of question about mental health feel free to contact me through these social media platforms.

Terrel Butler

Instagram: @oneofthegoat

Facebook: @terrelbutler

Snapchat: @oneofthegoats

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