A.J. Irwin, also known as ‘J. Gervin’ has a multitude of talents. He is an independent contractor, musician, and professional trader who is from Gonzales, Texas, but born in Galveston. He now resides in Austin, Texas. J. Gervin built his business on his great skills and love for what he did. He works hard to get to the top and do well in everything he does now and in the future. He is driven at work by his desire to make a change not just in Texas but also in other parts of the country through his work and love. J. Gervin talks about his work. “Currently I have 4 separate projects in the middle to final stages. Each project is its own universe and captures different elements of my being. I was always taught to diversify your endeavors and, musically, this is very much the same; no eggs all in one basket so to speak.” As an overall talented person, J. Gervin remains consistent and always has projects coming up. “The ‘Under My Seat’ music video will be out on YouTube in the coming weeks, and each record from ‘The Burner EP’, which is seven records in total, has an accompanying music video that will roll out Q4 2023 and Q1 2024!”
The multi creative based out of Texas aims to make a statement with his current and future projects. J. Gervin is known to be dedicated, relentless, and empathetic, and he has been positively inspiring others to become better. He leads by example, and has great precision and consistency as a multifaceted individual. “I don’t watch the news and I’m rarely on social media; however, the world we live in is going through challenging times. This inspires me to create and speak for those who might not be in a position to do so. When one of my songs reaches even just one person, I am grateful to be able to connect with others on this frequency.”

How have you overcome struggles to be where you are at now?
On my 2022 release entitled, “The Burner EP”, I talk a lot about the things I have been through on the EP’s opening record, “Under My Seat”. Almost dying in the middle of the night in a car accident; being in the wrong place at the wrong time in my early 20s; and losing my mom and grandma less than seven months apart. The process to overcome these challenges all started by looking within myself and believing the universal truth: we are all greater than we think and, when we believe in ourselves, anything we want in this life is ours.
J. Gervin explained that the motivation came from seeing the success of his work and also not giving up. “The biggest obstacle I have had to overcome is by far myself. The inner-critic and self-doubt we all face on a daily basis, whether we choose to believe that or not, this is human biology. Once I realized I was the main obstacle, everything I did from that point forward was to elevate my internal approach. This paradigm shift ultimately began to shift my entire world. I went from being stuck in a specific career as an educator/coach in one location, trying to get my music off the ground to an independent contractor, professional trader, and an aspiring musician with a vault of content and fans waiting for its release!” J. Gervin explains that this was a major motivation in his life and gives a piece of advice for others to take back. “Because I am active across a few different fields and businesses, I want everyone to take this from my work: The universe does not give you what you want. The universe gives you who you are. Be the person you need to be in order to achieve what you desire.”

J. Gervin has worked with many different people to reach different goals, and he has always done a good job. He works well with others and talks about people who have been important in his life. “My mom was always there for me unless she was working the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th job to make it all work. We didn’t have much but she made sure me and my sister had food, clothes, and a roof over our heads. She is the reason I go hard regardless. My grandma was the supporting cast to my mother when she had to work all those late nights and early mornings. If we needed it, we worked for it, but grandma always kept us right. She is the reason for my relentless approach to everything I do. My uncle was more like a father figure as mine was never around enough to make a positive impact in my life. He taught me how to work on cars and the install process of a ‘system’. He is the reason I have grown to be the man I am today. As an artist/musician I know I am supposed to say what other musicians inspired me but really, these three people all have had a profound effect on how I operate and move on a daily basis. Plus, they showed me music, good music, that guides me in my process when I am feeling the need to tap into my roots.”
Public Relations Agency, #Focuseddd, continue to highlight the stories of motivating individuals like A.J. Irwin, also known as ‘J. Gervin’.
Social Media Tags
YouTube: @jgervin44
Spotify: J. Gervin
Instagram: @jgervin05