World Day of Joy and its Effects on Health

On the occasion of the World Day of Joy, which is celebrated this Monday, from Deusto Salud they assure that “joy increases defenses and, in addition, helps to fall asleep more quickly and to have restful breaks”.

In fact, joy has multiple health benefits and, at the hormonal level, it reduces stress and anxiety. “It also makes us have greater self-esteem and strength, because it enhances positive thoughts,” they add.

To increase well-being and, therefore, be happier and healthier, it is necessary to increase the levels of certain hormones. First of all, serotonin, also known as the “happiness hormone”, since, in situations of absence or low level of this substance, they are related to depression.

“It has a very important role in terms of emotions, mood, weight regulation, sexual behavior, learning, memory and sleep cycles, among others,” they point out from Deusto Salud. Some of the habits that allow you to generate serotonin are: healthy sleep habits, physical activity, meditation practice and the consumption of foods such as eggs, bananas, nuts, broccoli, spinach, cocoa and chia. Second, it highlights the importance of dopamine, commonly called the “pleasure hormone.” As they explain, some of the functions of dopamine are reward, that is, the positive feeling of achieving a goal, sleep, mood, attention, learning and movement, among others.

In order to increase its levels, physical exercise, mindfulness, activities that involve strong emotions and, in addition, the consumption of turmeric and magnesium are necessary.

Thirdly, they highlight endorphins, which is a substance that the body releases to relieve pain and provide a state of well-being. When the level of endorphin is high, “anxiety is reduced, mood is improved, aging is delayed, immune function is enhanced and blood pressure is reduced”, sources from Deusto Salud explain. Among the activities that increase its levels are dance, music, sex, eating dark chocolate (with more than 70% cocoa) and acupuncture.

Finally, oxytocin is a peptide that, in addition to being related to motherhood, is closely linked to other functions that make it popularly known as “the hormone of love”. To stimulate it, Deusto Salud recommends “dinner with friends, see or talk with the mother, spend time with children, hugs, pet the pet or receive massages.” It has also been seen that physical activity, practicing yoga and listening to music can increase it.

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